8th Grade Homeschool Plan for H
Eighth grade for H has been a bit of a planning challenge this year. She attempted to use Alpha Omega’s online program last year. Although at first she really loved it, it didn’t take terribly long to realize it wasn’t a good fit for her. All of the subjects other than math were scrapped fairly …
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Back in the Saddle
Another new year is underway. I can’t believe this is the beginning of our tenth year of homeschooling. That’s right. TENTH!!! Where have the years gone??? K is in 8th grade, but working on her first few high school credits this year, including a half credit in Spanish! I’m so proud of her. It’s like …
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Why I Encourage Screen Time
To be (plugged in) or not to be. That is the question. All parents are faced with it. Until recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that screen time should be limited to two hours per day. With so many educational avenues that are screen-based, I’ve always found that to be an undesirable goal in …
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Is this the one?
The new writing program has arrived! I’ve had a lot of experience with IEW through our homeschool co-op, and K is taking it at co-op this year. H doesn’t really seem to like the approach that Writing Strands uses, so we’re going to try All Things Fun & Fascinating and see how it goes. Which …
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First Day of School 2013
Our first day of school was an incredibly productive one with minimal complaints! We went over the new “daily binders” first, which currently contain calendars, an attendance sheet, “I Can” lists (whicht can be used as a general guideline of what to expect to learn over the next year), and temperature graphs. I also purchased …
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3rd-Grade Mini Office
In light of recent frustration over multiplication facts, I have realized that updated versions of the girls’ mini offices may be a fantastic idea! They made some a few years ago and used them briefly, but at the time, they consisted of things like colors, numbers, and the printed alphabet for H and addition, coins, and …
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Wordless Wednesday
Science Thoughts
The research into science options for next year is now in full swing! Before I get into what I’ve researched, let me give a brief explanation about the method explained in The Well-Trained Mind (TWTM). (Note: Susan Wise Bauer [SWB] is much better at explaining this than I am, so if you’re wanting to do this in …
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Story of the World – Take 4
After attempting to work our way through SOTW for the last three years, I think we are finally to a point where my girls will actually get something out of it. It took the first three years to make it through the first nine chapters. At first, they struggled with listening. When we would go …
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The First Week – So Far
We have been doing pretty good this week so far. We are not quite back to our normal “schedule” yet, but we have been plugging along with the school work. The girls have already gotten a lot of their work completed, and K has already had a math test, which she got 96% on. Tomorrow …
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