The Timeline Notebook
We have finally made a decision regarding the history timeline for K’s history course. We are going to do a timeline notebook in a binder. I have begun printing out blank timeline sheets from the Contented at Home website. We are printing them one-sided and putting them into page protectors. This will give us the option …
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The First Farmers
I couldn’t have asked for a better start to K’s new history program. Not only did she do an outstanding job on all of her work, but she loved it while doing it! After reading about the early farmers, she decided that she wanted to do further study on how the early farmers tamed animals. …
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The New History
Today began the final five weeks of the 2012-13 school year. It is bittersweet in a way, especially when you consider I am going to have a 5th grader soon. Where has the time gone? K began her new history course today. I think she did a very good job. However, we haven’t decided on …
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History Decisions
We have finally decided which way to go with K’s 5th-grade history. We are just going to keep it simple and do it a la The Well-Trained Mind (TWTM). (You can purchase it here.) We will be using Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History as our spine for the year. On Mondays, she will be reading the weekly topic …
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Science Thoughts
The research into science options for next year is now in full swing! Before I get into what I’ve researched, let me give a brief explanation about the method explained in The Well-Trained Mind (TWTM). (Note: Susan Wise Bauer [SWB] is much better at explaining this than I am, so if you’re wanting to do this in …
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Preparing to Prepare
It’s that time of year again… The forums are filling up with people posting their projected curricula, asking about the latest and greatest programs, and generally trying to gear up for the school year ahead. Never mind that for most the current year is still forging ahead! The time to start planning is now! In …
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IEW – First Keyword Outline and Writing Exercise
Today K had her first “lesson” in keyword outlining, IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) style. We do not have any of their curriculum at this time, but I do assist in an IEW class at our co-op and I have taught the class before. (Of note, H is going to be using their Bible …
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Story of the World – Take 4
After attempting to work our way through SOTW for the last three years, I think we are finally to a point where my girls will actually get something out of it. It took the first three years to make it through the first nine chapters. At first, they struggled with listening. When we would go …
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New American Cursive – A Review of Workbook 1
When I decided it was time for my then six-year-old daughter to begin learning cursive, I began researching all the different options available. I wanted something that was pretty, without being too fancy, and also easy to teach and learn. My search led me to New American Cursive (NAC). The program seemed to be exactly what I …
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The First Week – So Far
We have been doing pretty good this week so far. We are not quite back to our normal “schedule” yet, but we have been plugging along with the school work. The girls have already gotten a lot of their work completed, and K has already had a math test, which she got 96% on. Tomorrow …
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